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Further reading

If you want to see CassIO in action without runnig anything locally, as outlined in the "Start Here" page, just open a Colab example backed by an Astra DB cloud instance.

However, you may want to switch to a different setup. This page outlines how this is accomplished in two separate respects: running the examples locally as Jupyter notebooks, and running your own Cassandra cluster instead of Astra DB.

Run with local Jupyter

There are several reasons one might prefer to launch the code locally: for example, it may be easier to evolve the notebooks into a full-fledged application; also, one can prefer a non-ephemeral setup, especially when planning to run several examples in a row.

In the following we assume you have fulfilled the pre-requisites listed on the previous page.

You should have basic familiarity with git and the shell console.

Clone this repository

First, clone this repository on your machine (the repo spans both the website and the examples). In a directory of your choice, execute the following:

git clone
cd cassio-website

Note that the following commands are to be run in the cassio-website directory.

DB (Astra DB case)

You need a .env file which defines the database credentials and connection parameters.

You can copy the provided .env.template file and replace the environment variables you see there. If using Astra DB, these amount to the database ID, the Token (with role "database administrator"), and optionally a keyspace name.

If you plan on using a local Cassandra, the .env setup instructions are given below.

LLM Credentials

In this repo's root directory again, create a .api_keys file where the secrets necessary for your LLM of choice are defined. You can copy the provided .api_keys.template and adjust the values therein.

Check out the LLM Pre-requisites for a list of supported LLMs: each requires different variable(s) to be set here.

Automatic choice of LLM

The code examples generally rely on a helper function to determine which LLM to use, based on which secrets are detected in this file. You can define your preferred LLM (e.g. in case you define more than one secret) by setting the environment variable PREFERRED_LLM_PROVIDER in .api_keys.

Remember to "source" this file before launching notebooks or Python scripts:

. .api_keys

Framework-specific setup

Now, database and LLM are all set for running the examples locally.

For each framework, still, you will have to prepare a specific Python environment with the right dependencies. The instructions are given in the section of this docs specific to that framework: for example, here is how you start the LangChain examples locally.

Use a local Vector-capable Cassandra

Starting with version 5.0, Apache Cassandra® ships with Vector capabilities.

You can easily launch a locally-running (single-node) Cassandra cluster through Docker. First make sure you have Docker installed, then launch the following command:

docker run --name my-cassandra -d cassandra:5.0-alpha2

In the command above, you can name the container any way you like: but keep in mind that the instructions on this page assume you used my-cassandra.

The 5.0-alpha2 is an image tag: you may want to check Cassandra's DockerHub page for the newest 5.* tag to use.

In a few minutes, the container will be up and running, ready to be used. You can verify this by running docker exec -it my-cassandra nodetool status and looking for an output line starting with UN ... (which stands the "Up" and "Normal" state of the node).

Other ways to run Cassandra

If you have a running Cassandra cluster through other means than Docker, no problem. Just make sure to specify the contact point(s) and the keyspace name in the .env file as outlined below.

For more advanced setup involving e.g. authentication, you might have to modify the Python code that creates the Session to fit your needs.

CQL Console

To launch a CQL Console on the Docker container, run the following:

docker exec -it my-cassandra cqlsh

Populate the database

Still in the CQL Console, create a keyspace for the examples by executing the following:

    WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

You can check that the keyspace exists with:


You can now exit the CQL console (EXIT + Enter, or Ctrl-D).

Use the local Cassandra in the code

Your local Cassandra is ready to support all examples. Now make sure you set the connection parameters in the .env file (at the root of this repo).

You can copy from the provided .env.template example file if you haven't yet and, ignoring the ASTRA_DB... variables, make sure the LOCAL_... variables in the .env define:

  • and the IP address (or "contact point") for the Docker image;
  • the correct keyspace name used above.

In particular, the IP address of the container is found within the very long output of docker inspect my-cassandra. The following command should locate it for you:

docker inspect my-cassandra | \
    jq -r '.[].NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress'

# ... with an output such as ""

All notebooks offer the choice between using Cassandra and Astra DB: the former case relies on a, imported from the notebooks, which provides the simple logic to create the session and read the keyspace from the environment variables. If you need additional customization (such as setting up authentication, using a custom port for CQL, etc), this is the file you should further edit to fit your needs.

Keep in mind that if you are running the notebooks in a cloud environment such as Google Colab the only supported choice will be the cloud database Astra DB. (Should you need to run a Colab targeting a Cassandra cluster, you will have to essentially transport the logic in into a notebook cell.)